
Friday, December 24, 2010

My secret of finding girls on social networking sites

According to new studies, (and have
become the most popular destinations for meeting women!

So I have to ask you...

Do you use either of these sites?

If you've tried this site to meet women, then you've probably
realized that it's actually pretty difficult to meet women.  One
reason is there a lot of stiff competition from other men. 

The other reason is there is a lot of women on this site who say
they're looking for dating, but instead they're out to take
advantage of you.

Let me explain.

Some "women" on this site aren't there to make connections or
date.  Instead they're on this site to make a profit or to build
their ego.  In today's email, I will discuss the different types
of women on fbook and why you should NOT contact them.  If you
know how to identify the "women" who are not interested in
dating, you can save a lot of time and aggravation.

1- Avoid the 'Friend Whores'

There are a lot of women on facebook who are only interested in
bulking up their list of friends.  These 'friend whores' don't
want to know you.  Instead they want to increase their number of
friends.  Any attempts to talk to these women will be ignored. 

Bottom line is they're not interested in getting to know the
guys on their list.

So if you see a woman with more then a couple hundred friends,
then you know she's not interested in dating.  Just move on and
find someone who is open to talking to a guy.

2- Avoid the Web Cam or Porn Girls

If you've been on facebook for more then a minute then you've
probably come across the 'web cam' or 'porn girl'.  Typically
they operate like this...

You get a message or a friend request from a girl who thinks
you're interesting but she doesn't have time to talk.  But if
you go to her "private" site, she'll be able to talk to you.

It goes without saying that these women are complete fakes. 
They're only interested in you pulling out your credit card and
paying for access to their porn website.

3- Avoid the Businesses

Marketers and businesses are getting smart these days!

They know if they slap a pretty female face on a profile, men
will be more responsive to friend requests and will check out
any site that is recommended on their profile.

Instead of looking for a date, these type of people want you to
check out their website.  As a you can see,  they are on MySpace
to make money.

4- Avoid the Phishers and Criminals

The phishers and criminals are the worst type of people you can
encounter on facebook.

These people are on this site for the sole purpose of obtaining
your private information to rip you off.  Their goal is to control
your account or even gain access to your financial information.

Here is how they operate:

These criminals will send a message or bulletin asking you to
check out a site or page. On this page is a script which informs
you that you've been logged off facebook.It then tells you enter
your facebook account data.

Once you enter this information, the criminals will have your
private information! 

So one second you think you're talking to a pretty girl then
suddenly a criminal has access to your important data.

5- Avoid the Models, Stars,

There is a group of people on facebook who request friends in
order to build buzz about their work.  So if you get a friend
request from a model, star, comedian or band it's not because of
your charm, wit or good looks.  It's because they want you check
out their profile and support their work.

Now I'm NOT against this type of promotion.  I just want to
recommend that you don't waste your time trying to hit on any of
these people. 

Your messages will go unanswered.

6- Avoid the 'Suspect Women'

There a lot of types of people in this group.

My advice is to always look at her entire profile (not just the
pics) before contacting a girl.  Look for anything that looks
suspicious which might raise any warning bells. 

For instance, here are a couple of things you should look for:

* A profile that states a girl is 18 and older, yet she makes a
reference to being in high school

* A girl with hundreds of comments from guys

* Any girl who has lots of friends, but doesn't seem to receive
any personal comments

As you can see, there are a lot of pitfalls when trying to date
women on facebook.  While I think this site is an excellent source
for finding available women in your area, you should know what to
look for and the type of women to avoid. 

Just use common sense and don't waste time with women who aren't
interested in dating.

How to increase your chances with Indian girls

I want to start this off by saying this
isn't going to be your typical blog. 
Today, I want to talk about something that
really seems to be an important topic to a
lot of guys.

My blog, Tips to impress Indian girls, is about
how to meet girls.  In it, I do my best to
unveil every little tip and trick I can teach
you about how to avoid the painful, dreaded
sting of fear that can build up inside you
when you want to meet a beautiful woman.
The funny thing is, I get emails all the time
from guys who say something like...
"I can't do it, I'm too afraid of rejection."
"Every woman rejects me and laughs at me."
"There's only so much rejection I can take."
A lot of dating sites and products will give
you a lot of different advice on how to deal
with rejection.  They'll say stuff like "you
gotta force your way through it" and "ignore
it, shrug it off."
But none of them really tell you how to do that.
They expect you to be some type of numb
and just act like you don't care
about what anyone thinks of you.
Though I do believe it's good advice not to
place too much importance on how others view
you, for some guys this can just be too daunting
a prospect to handle.  Their heads just aren't
in the right place to act like that.
Let's face it, if you see a girl you think is
hot and you want to get to know her better,
how can you not care about what she thinks
of you?
And should she reject you, that can still HURT.
  They give into that pain and
dwell on all the shortcomings and things that
made that girl reject him.  They wallow in the
self pity and guilt, and thinking about how "no
girls like him."
Well, I want to tell you that this is not just
self-destructive and unproductive behavior, it's
simply not true.
There are girls out there who will like you,
you just need to find them!
Ever hear that old saying:  "There's plenty of
fish in the sea
It's true.  Meeting women is about numbers.
Too many guys want to sit up in a tree with their
sniper rifles and try to hone in on just one target. 
If you do that, your chances of missing are much
greater than if you were running around with a
So your goal in meeting a woman who likes you is
to meet as many women as possible!
But here's the trick to eliminating that painful
sting of rejection that comes with that...
Ready for it?
Here it is...
Of all the women you meet, only go after the women
who like what you have to offer!
There is something to be said about going up
to every woman and trying to get them into you. 
In fact, there are very effective methods of
creating attraction in women you meet, despite
what your own personal shortcomings are.
But this can be a painful method for most men,
because you can't win them all!  Therefore, you're
going to feel the sting of rejection if you do that.
For those of you who can't handle doing that
just yet, and need to build your confidence,
here's what I want you to do.
(if you don't know how to do this, my blog Tips to impress
Indian girls  can teach you how)
Now, don't try and pick-up all these women, even
if you'd want to.  Just meet them, and observe how
they react to you when you're interacting with them.
The women will tell you if they're into you if
Some guys call this "vibing" or "feeling a vibe." 
But if what you're doing is working, you'll notice
that the girl will smile at you a lot, touch you,
and various other things.
When you notice these little flickers of interest,
start flirting with her!  Show her you also like
what SHE has to offer (even if you don't, this is
practice, remember?).  Then see how she reacts
to THAT.
If she plays along and flirts back, she's interested!
If she doesn't, she may like you, but not be
interested in you romantically.
If that's the case, don't get down, you weren't
rejected.  You found out that there isn't an
opportunity there for you just yet. But if she
responds, that's a "GO" signal that will tell
you the chance of getting rejected is shrinking,
and you should proceed.

In my blog Tips to impress 
Indian girls, there's a LOT
of information in it that will teach you how to
recognize the signs a woman gives off that she's
attracted to you. 
Little effective tricks on how to read a woman's
body language
, see the common signs of interest, and
how to effectively flirt with a woman.
If you want to learn these special skills and
start getting rid of rejection from women all
together, check out my whole blog here: