
Friday, December 24, 2010

My secret of finding girls on social networking sites

According to new studies, (and have
become the most popular destinations for meeting women!

So I have to ask you...

Do you use either of these sites?

If you've tried this site to meet women, then you've probably
realized that it's actually pretty difficult to meet women.  One
reason is there a lot of stiff competition from other men. 

The other reason is there is a lot of women on this site who say
they're looking for dating, but instead they're out to take
advantage of you.

Let me explain.

Some "women" on this site aren't there to make connections or
date.  Instead they're on this site to make a profit or to build
their ego.  In today's email, I will discuss the different types
of women on fbook and why you should NOT contact them.  If you
know how to identify the "women" who are not interested in
dating, you can save a lot of time and aggravation.

1- Avoid the 'Friend Whores'

There are a lot of women on facebook who are only interested in
bulking up their list of friends.  These 'friend whores' don't
want to know you.  Instead they want to increase their number of
friends.  Any attempts to talk to these women will be ignored. 

Bottom line is they're not interested in getting to know the
guys on their list.

So if you see a woman with more then a couple hundred friends,
then you know she's not interested in dating.  Just move on and
find someone who is open to talking to a guy.

2- Avoid the Web Cam or Porn Girls

If you've been on facebook for more then a minute then you've
probably come across the 'web cam' or 'porn girl'.  Typically
they operate like this...

You get a message or a friend request from a girl who thinks
you're interesting but she doesn't have time to talk.  But if
you go to her "private" site, she'll be able to talk to you.

It goes without saying that these women are complete fakes. 
They're only interested in you pulling out your credit card and
paying for access to their porn website.

3- Avoid the Businesses

Marketers and businesses are getting smart these days!

They know if they slap a pretty female face on a profile, men
will be more responsive to friend requests and will check out
any site that is recommended on their profile.

Instead of looking for a date, these type of people want you to
check out their website.  As a you can see,  they are on MySpace
to make money.

4- Avoid the Phishers and Criminals

The phishers and criminals are the worst type of people you can
encounter on facebook.

These people are on this site for the sole purpose of obtaining
your private information to rip you off.  Their goal is to control
your account or even gain access to your financial information.

Here is how they operate:

These criminals will send a message or bulletin asking you to
check out a site or page. On this page is a script which informs
you that you've been logged off facebook.It then tells you enter
your facebook account data.

Once you enter this information, the criminals will have your
private information! 

So one second you think you're talking to a pretty girl then
suddenly a criminal has access to your important data.

5- Avoid the Models, Stars,

There is a group of people on facebook who request friends in
order to build buzz about their work.  So if you get a friend
request from a model, star, comedian or band it's not because of
your charm, wit or good looks.  It's because they want you check
out their profile and support their work.

Now I'm NOT against this type of promotion.  I just want to
recommend that you don't waste your time trying to hit on any of
these people. 

Your messages will go unanswered.

6- Avoid the 'Suspect Women'

There a lot of types of people in this group.

My advice is to always look at her entire profile (not just the
pics) before contacting a girl.  Look for anything that looks
suspicious which might raise any warning bells. 

For instance, here are a couple of things you should look for:

* A profile that states a girl is 18 and older, yet she makes a
reference to being in high school

* A girl with hundreds of comments from guys

* Any girl who has lots of friends, but doesn't seem to receive
any personal comments

As you can see, there are a lot of pitfalls when trying to date
women on facebook.  While I think this site is an excellent source
for finding available women in your area, you should know what to
look for and the type of women to avoid. 

Just use common sense and don't waste time with women who aren't
interested in dating.

How to increase your chances with Indian girls

I want to start this off by saying this
isn't going to be your typical blog. 
Today, I want to talk about something that
really seems to be an important topic to a
lot of guys.

My blog, Tips to impress Indian girls, is about
how to meet girls.  In it, I do my best to
unveil every little tip and trick I can teach
you about how to avoid the painful, dreaded
sting of fear that can build up inside you
when you want to meet a beautiful woman.
The funny thing is, I get emails all the time
from guys who say something like...
"I can't do it, I'm too afraid of rejection."
"Every woman rejects me and laughs at me."
"There's only so much rejection I can take."
A lot of dating sites and products will give
you a lot of different advice on how to deal
with rejection.  They'll say stuff like "you
gotta force your way through it" and "ignore
it, shrug it off."
But none of them really tell you how to do that.
They expect you to be some type of numb
and just act like you don't care
about what anyone thinks of you.
Though I do believe it's good advice not to
place too much importance on how others view
you, for some guys this can just be too daunting
a prospect to handle.  Their heads just aren't
in the right place to act like that.
Let's face it, if you see a girl you think is
hot and you want to get to know her better,
how can you not care about what she thinks
of you?
And should she reject you, that can still HURT.
  They give into that pain and
dwell on all the shortcomings and things that
made that girl reject him.  They wallow in the
self pity and guilt, and thinking about how "no
girls like him."
Well, I want to tell you that this is not just
self-destructive and unproductive behavior, it's
simply not true.
There are girls out there who will like you,
you just need to find them!
Ever hear that old saying:  "There's plenty of
fish in the sea
It's true.  Meeting women is about numbers.
Too many guys want to sit up in a tree with their
sniper rifles and try to hone in on just one target. 
If you do that, your chances of missing are much
greater than if you were running around with a
So your goal in meeting a woman who likes you is
to meet as many women as possible!
But here's the trick to eliminating that painful
sting of rejection that comes with that...
Ready for it?
Here it is...
Of all the women you meet, only go after the women
who like what you have to offer!
There is something to be said about going up
to every woman and trying to get them into you. 
In fact, there are very effective methods of
creating attraction in women you meet, despite
what your own personal shortcomings are.
But this can be a painful method for most men,
because you can't win them all!  Therefore, you're
going to feel the sting of rejection if you do that.
For those of you who can't handle doing that
just yet, and need to build your confidence,
here's what I want you to do.
(if you don't know how to do this, my blog Tips to impress
Indian girls  can teach you how)
Now, don't try and pick-up all these women, even
if you'd want to.  Just meet them, and observe how
they react to you when you're interacting with them.
The women will tell you if they're into you if
Some guys call this "vibing" or "feeling a vibe." 
But if what you're doing is working, you'll notice
that the girl will smile at you a lot, touch you,
and various other things.
When you notice these little flickers of interest,
start flirting with her!  Show her you also like
what SHE has to offer (even if you don't, this is
practice, remember?).  Then see how she reacts
to THAT.
If she plays along and flirts back, she's interested!
If she doesn't, she may like you, but not be
interested in you romantically.
If that's the case, don't get down, you weren't
rejected.  You found out that there isn't an
opportunity there for you just yet. But if she
responds, that's a "GO" signal that will tell
you the chance of getting rejected is shrinking,
and you should proceed.

In my blog Tips to impress 
Indian girls, there's a LOT
of information in it that will teach you how to
recognize the signs a woman gives off that she's
attracted to you. 
Little effective tricks on how to read a woman's
body language
, see the common signs of interest, and
how to effectively flirt with a woman.
If you want to learn these special skills and
start getting rid of rejection from women all
together, check out my whole blog here:

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Story telling to girls- Most important

Building attraction is not about approaching a woman, saying a
few lines and instantly seducing her.  Instead it's about
demonstrating higher value then using it to make girls

That's why it's important to understand what makes women
attracted to guys and how use this information to instantly
build sexual chemistry with a girl you've just met.

The good news is there is a great technique you can use to show
ALL your positive qualities without a woman noticing what you're

It can be done by telling a good STORY.

Out of all your routines, the stories you tell are as important
as your openers.  If you know the RIGHT way to tell them, you'll
have an unfair advantage over other guys.

So what makes a good story?

Well it has many elements.  Unlike the stories you tell your
friends and family, you MUST concentrate on specific things in
order to demonstrate high status.

That's why I've decided to list my 10 part complete system
for creating stories that'll attract women.

1- Keep it simple stupid

When you tell stories, you must stick to the old adage-
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid)

The usual venues for meeting women can be loud and crowded. 
Furthermore, girls in bars/clubs have short attention spans. 
All of these factors combine to create an environment that
makes it hard to tell a story.

So the first thing to know about a story is to keep it short
and to the point.  (No longer then 1-2 minutes.)  If it's longer
then a few minutes, then you have to edit it and ONLY keep the
important parts.

2- Use good material 

The next element is easy.  You have to ONLY use material that's
interesting to most women.  (In other words, don't tell anything
that'll offend or bore anybody)

Specifically, girls like hear about drama, adventure and anything
humor humorous.  So do yourself a favor and concentrate your
stories on these specific topics.

3- Demonstrate higher status

As I mentioned at the beginning of this email, a story should be
told in a way which demonstrates YOUR high status.  Any material
you use has to briefly touch on the SPECIFIC qualities that women
love about guys.

For instance, here are some qualities you should focus on:

* Preselected by women
* Leadership within your peer group
* An ability to take action
* Bravery in tough situations
* An adventurous and fun lifestyle
* Loyalty to your friends

4- Be indirect NOT direct

Now when I mention how it's important to demonstrate high status
in your story, I don't mean you should start bragging about
yourself.  Instead use your storytelling to indirectly mention
your positive qualities.

The best way to do this is to use language that vaguely
demonstrates your positive qualities.

For instance, let's pretend that you want to demonstrate that
you're pre-selected by attractive women. 

You wouldn't say something like:

"I have an ex-girlfriend who is model.  In fact, I date LOTS of
models.  Anyway, I was hanging out with her at a photo shoot one

Instead you want to something like this

"So get this, the other day I was hanging out with my ex at her
photo shoot, when the craziest thing happened..."

As you can see both statements say the same thing.  But the later
reveals that you often hang out AND date attractive women in a
way that does NOT appear to be bragging.

5- Hook them in

With every story, there will be ONE element that stands out from
the other facts.  In short, this will be part that HOOKS the
listener in.

The hook should be a little nugget of information which is
something out of the ordinary that people wouldn't ordinarily
hear during a conversation.

When you're telling the story, the hook should be a statement
during the first few sentences that'll attract her attention
and make her wonder where you're going to go with it.

6- The opening statement

Like your opener, the first thing you say will set the WHOLE tone
of the story.

When you first approach a group you should project fun and
energy with your body language.  This also the case when you
tell stories to a group. 

When you start a story, you must begin with a high level of
energy and fun, THEN give a statement that is congruent to what
you're saying.

For instance, you start with something like:

"Holy crap, the weirdest thing happened to me yesterday..."

7- Create conversation threads

A good story can set up HOURS of conversation topics.  If told
properly, it should reveal a lot of facts about your personality
and background without sounding like you're bragging.

That's why it's important to be a little vague and mysterious
about what you're revealing.  Instead of coming out and telling
things about yourself, you should introduce certain topics in a
way that'll naturally arise some curiosity from your audience.

For instance, you could say statements like:

* "So whenever I drive my bike, I get the weirdest looks..."
[Why is it weird looking]

* "Fortunately because of my job, I can do stuff at a moments
notice..." [What type of job do you have]

* "Ever since my childhood, I've had this protective streak about
women..." [What happened to make you this way]

8- Learn to tell a story

In order to tell a good story, you should think of it as comedy
routine.  Just think of your favorite comedians.  They probably
ALL get laughs not through WHAT they're saying, but more about HOW
they do it.

To tell a good story, you have to learn how to pace and deliver
the crucial elements. Often, it's not about what you're saying,
it's about how you deliver it.

9- The payoff

A good story will always have a payoff.  This is basically a
statement that is similar to a "punch line" or at least indicates
a conclusion.

While you don't have to always go for a big laugh, the payoff
should let the group know that you're done with the story

For instance, one of my favorite stories ends with:

"And that's why I'll NEVER drink desi during a pub crawl!"
[Trust me, this particular story ALWAYS gets a good laugh]
10- Practice

You will NOT tell a good story if you haven't perfected ALL the
details.  That's why it's important to practice it till you know
it cold!

A great illustration of this element can be found in the classic
movie- Reservoir Dogs.  In one scene, Mr. Orange [an undercover
] practices telling a story that'll be used when he's talking
to criminals.

In a particular memorable scene, Mr. Orange, spends hours on a
rooftop practicing every little detail of the story.  It was
only AFTER he practiced did he try to use it on a real audience.

Well there you have it...

Ten ways to tell the perfect story!

Remember that a good story contains many crucial elements.  As a
result, it's important to sit down and create ones that use all
the things I discussed in this post.

If used properly during the rapport and attraction building stage
of your approach, you'll be able to demonstrate high status in a
very unique way.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to get your ex-girlfriend back

Do you want your ex-girlfriend back?

If so, then this blog is for you...

Relationships often end for a specific reason. Whether the
romance died or there another person entered the picture, it's
often better to look forward instead of behind.

But what happens if you can't forget about that one woman who you
can't get out of your mind?

Well, my first advice is to take a close look at why you're
obsessing over an ex-girlfriend. Most of the time, you'll discover
that she's not as great as you remembered.

But if you feel that you really need her, then I recommend a
simple course of action. (Just remember that it's often much
easier to get a new girlfriend rather then contacting an old

What you need to do is convince your old flame that you have
improved yourself and you have a lot more to offer her.

To get started, I recommend you follow this 5 step plan for
getting back with your ex-girlfriend:

1- Analyze what went wrong

The first step to is to think about what went wrong. For instance
you should ask yourself:

* Was there another guy?

* Does she no longer like me in a romantic way?

* Was there been a dramatic change in her life?

* Did I do certain things that drove her crazy?

The reason WHY you ask these questions is to determine if things
can be fixed between you and your ex-girlfriend.

If she's with another guy or didn't seem to care about the
break-up, then you probably have LITTLE chance of getting her

So before you implement this system, you should first find out if
you have ANY chance of success.

2- Change yourself

Once you've analyzed what went wrong, you need to make changes to
your life.

The MAIN reason that guys get dumped is due to a LACK of

If you want to get her back, then you must make subtle changes to
yourself which demonstrates attractive qualities.

Now the reason women want to date other guys is these men provide
excitement in their lives. Without even knowing it, you probably
developed into a lower status male around your ex-girlfriend.

In order to become an attractive to her, you need to develop
attractive personalities. This includes manly characteristics
like confidence, initiative, an interesting personality and

If you're able to show these core character traits, then you'll
have the attractive personality that ALL women want from a guy.

3- Start dating other women

While it might seem counterintuitive, one of the best ways to win
back an ex is to start dating other women. When you "see" many
different girls, you'll gain a whole new perspective on your past

Plus a woman's jealous nature can be used to your advantage. A
lot of girls are highly attracted to guys who are "preselected" by
other women. By dating other women, you'll be able to trigger her
jealous reactions.

4- Become friends with her

Now that you've made changes to yourself and you're dating other
women, you should contact your ex-girlfriend.

When you first talk to her, set up a "friends date" where you'll
catch up on "old times." This means grabbing coffee, catching a
bit to eat or playing a quick game of pool.

Once you're on this "date", act casual. In other words, don't try
to convince her to get back with you or drudge up past arguments.

Instead, demonstrate your new confident demeanor and focus on
your role as her friend. Then every so often make a comment about
one of the women you're dating. Don't be overt about it, but
nonchalantly mention that you're actively dating other women.

5- Proceed with normal attraction techniques

Since you're now talking to your ex-girlfriend, you have an
opportunity to demonstrate positive qualities. Instead of trying
to rekindle things, I recommend that you show exactly how much
fun you can provide!

It's important to you treat her like you would with other
girls. This means that you follow the basic attraction and
seduction techniques which I recommend.

For instance, you should tease her, be confident and act like you
don't care about the outcome of your interactions. If you do your
job correctly, she'll start to realize that she's missing out on
a golden opportunity. Once this happens, she'll start to pursue

Getting a girlfriend back is something that many guys desire.
If you follow these rules and recommendations, you'll discover
that you can make it happen!

5 attitudes in life to become a guy all girls desire

Have you ever wondered how some guys have a knack for meeting
and attracting different women?

Their secret is they are unafraid to act like a man that women

I think we all should follow this example!

Here's why...

In the last few decades, society has created a group of men who
are afraid to act like themselves.

We longer go for what we want.

Instead we waste time seeking approval for our actions.  Social
pressures have forced us to be mindful of never offending or
making others feel uncomfortable with our actions.

As a result, men have become AFRAID to pursue women!

When talking to a woman, a lot of guys are worried about doing or
saying the wrong thing.

In fact, they're so worried about "getting it right" that they
end up boring women to tears.

But there's a simple cure...

You can become the type of man who women love!

This is the socially dominant male who is ATTRACTIVE to different
women, while NOT behaving like an arrogant prick.

Here are a few rules for developing this attitude:

1- Be Unique in Your Actions and Efforts
To stand out from the crowd, you have become the unique person
who is desired by ALL women.  You can achieve this by radiating
a confident and positive attitude everywhere you go.

Contrary to what you've learned, you're wildly attractive to
women even if you don't have good-looks, money OR power.

In other words, you have a STRONG belief in yourself!

2- You Never Settle For Second Best

Being a man means you have enough confidence to NEVER let people
take advantage of you.  In your dating life, this means only
hanging out with women who ENRICH your life.

If you ever experience drama, you have enough faith in yourself
to walk away without a second glance.

In addition, you never chase after women.  Instead, you make them
work for your affection.  You know deep down inside that you're a
prize worth fighting for.  If a woman wants your company, she's
going to have to do something extraordinary to earn it.

3- You Have a Busy Life and Only Include Quality Women

Like other men, you have a busy life.  In addition to work and
family, you occupy your time with exciting activities.

Since your time is important, you ONLY make plans with women who
are fun and interesting.

If you ask a woman on a first date, you make sure it's only for
an hour.  That way, if she turns out to be boring, you've
only wasted a little bit of your time.

When setting up future dates, you make plans when it's convenient
for YOU.  If she can't meet you  when you're available, then you
walk away and find a woman who fits better in your life.

In fact you don't even need to look that hard for a woman,
because you already have a large selection of women who want to
be part of your life.

4- You End All Phone Conversations First

As part of your busy life, you don't have time to stay on a
phone all day.

You have TOO MUCH to do!

Furthermore, you know ending all conversations first because
you know it leaves her want more. You know that the busier your
life appears, the more she'll want to be a part of it.

On the phone, your primary task is to set up a date.  And the
conversations only last for about ten minutes.

This is enough time to set up plans for your date.

If she wants to talk more, you let you her know this
conversation could be continued during the next time you see her.

5- Have Fun On Your Dates and Know How to Flirt

The final rule is you have fun on ALL of your dates.

While other guys worry too much about messing up, you take risks
and enjoy the time you spend with each woman.  If your date goes
well and becomes more physical, then that's great!

But if it doesn't go well, you're still happy with the knowledge
that you met a great person who COULD BE a life long friend.

While on your date, you look for every opportunity to tease
your date.  If she says something, you twist around and have
fun with it.

In fact, you often bring sexual innuendos into the conversation.
You have great dates because you're able to flirt and enjoy

Well that's it for the 5 rules!  Hopefully these will help
you become the man who ALL women desire!

If you implement these guidelines, you'll discover that life is
more enjoyable and women will find you more attractive.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what girls actually want in men,-the most important topic

Ask any woman what they're actually looking for in their ideal man,
and most of them will say they want a nice sensitive guy that will buy
them flowers and basically act like one of their girlfriends.

They like the idea of getting flowers and having a sensitive guy to talk
to about their problems.

Note: A lot of men end up becoming that guy, the guy that girls talk
to about their problems. But the relationship usually doesn't get any
farther than being just friends.

All women will tell you they want to date the nice guy or that they
can never seem to find a nice guy to date.
The problem is, this isn't exactly correct. These women aren't
lying when they say they want these things...when they think logical
they do, because it makes sense.

But remember, women don't choose logically what they are attracted

So, when they think about it consciously. Women want a guy that
will buy them flowers and talk to them when they feel down.
But in reality, their instinct is to like a guy who will take control
and act like a man should.

So what qualities do women want in men?

What they've always wanted and always will want. Women want real
men, men that are in control and don't ask for permission to do
anything. They don't want to be in charge, they want someone to be
in charge of them.

I know this sounds harsh, but it's true.

Here are some examples, have ever noticed that...

When you give a girl a compliment or tell her how beautiful she is
she shies away from you?

This probably happens every time you try and start a conversation.
But when you...
Notice a flaw about her, she will get more involved in the
conversation and take you more seriously.

Also, have you noticed...
When you spoil a girl by buying her gifts, taking her to an expensive
dinner, she usually thanks you the evening and goes out with another

But, If you simply go for a quick drink and act like you are equals
she feels attracted to you, because you're not catering to her every

Have you noticed when....

You call a girl often after a date and she seems distant and funny.

But, when you don't call her and you act like you're busy and could
live with her or without her, she won't stop calling you.
The truth is women don't want to be catered to, spoiled or
treated like princesses. This is what women want from a man...

First of all, women want you to be confident in your self. So, if
you approach a girl and seem shy and awkward, that is a turn off.
Women want you to lead the way, not the other way around.
They don't want to talk about what you are going to do, they just
want you to lead the way and do it.

They want you to keep it cool and NOT get emotional.
Using 'disconnections' works most NATURALLY to make it
challenging, fun, yet exciting enough to 'entice' women (esp those who
get hit on a lot) to stick longer and see what you've got in store for them
as you're talking.

Women want you to be fun and entertaining, not boring and dull.
Just because you are into collecting stamps or currencies,
it does NOT mean you have to bore the poor girl to death about your

Women want you to make them laugh. So as you can see,
entertaining and fun = VERY IMPORTANT.

They don't want to know everything about you all at once, they want
to wonder. So, no matter how tempting it may be you don't have to
tell them you whole life story.

Women want to keep guessing.

They hate it... guessing, not knowing what you're up to...

But secretly LOVE at at the same time... that's what makes this
game so 'exciting'... so appealing for them... not knowing what's
going to happen next.
They want you to have more to talk about than "the game last night",
they want you to be interesting.

They want you to be headed somewhere, they want you to have
a life goal or something you are trying to achieve.

In other words, they want to know what you want from life.
so go on guyz.....

5 sex secrets about indian girls

Women are mysterious creatures. While they're great at displaying emotions, often they'll hide their hidden desires. This is especially true when it comes to what they like in the bedroom. The truth is women have many secrets about what they like and what they don't like from guys during sex.  Probably right at this moment, your woman really wants you do things during sex which you not be aware of. If you can discover her hidden desires, then you'll rock her world. To get an idea of what I'm talking about, here 5 of the most common sex secrets she probably will never reveal to you.

1- She doesn't want you to go for hours
Many guys think the key to pleasing a woman is to have the sexual stamina of a marathon runner and go for hours. The problem is women get tired (and sore) during a long sex session. Secretly your woman wants you know please her without subjecting her to a lengthy sex session. If you can please her in a half an hour, then she really won't care if you can go for hours.

2-She sometimes wants sex, not romance 
While all women profess a love for romantic lovemaking filled with candles and soft music, sometimes they want sex to be a little dirty. Even though romance is an important part of the sexual experience, there are often moments when you can score some serious points simply by acting in a VERY non-romantic manner. For instance, she'll sometimes wants you to simply rip her clothes off and have a quickie.

3-She wants YOU to be in control
It's a simple truth. Women want to be with men who act like MEN. This means you should never behave in a lower status man and act like you don't know what you're doing in the bedroom. Simply put, you have to act like a man when you're having sex. Being a man is about knowing the specific things which pleases your woman and then DOING them. So when you're in the bedroom, don't act timid or shy. Instead give off the aura that you're completely confident during sex and you're in complete control of her pleasure. Remember one of the most intense orgasms a woman can get is from being with someone who can confidently show that he knows what he's doing.

4- She wants to try new things
There are a lot of different sexual experiences your woman secretly wants, she's probably privately fantasizing about stuff you can with her (or to her). The important thing to remember is everybody has fantasies. Your job is to coax them out of her and then work hard to fulfill them

5- She wants it in the morning 
Guys are known for the ability to be ready for sex in 3.5 seconds. Women on the other hand profess a desire for extensive foreplay. That's the reason why many guys think women don't want a "quickie" in the morning. However the truth is a lot of women secretly want a bit of sex in the morning before they start the day. Simply try to initiate things in the morning and you'll be surprised at her response. Women have lots of secrets they keep from men. But if you can reveal her secret desires in the bedroom then you'll quickly become her perfect lover. Finally, there are a lot more secrets to giving her what she wants in the bedroom

Saturday, July 31, 2010

take the first step to seduce her

There are moments in your life when you just want to have sex!

While you probably know the importance of a relationship or even
might be looking for that special someone, sometimes you just
want to get laid.

That's why it's important to know how to seduce any woman you

Without seduction, you have little chance of having sex.

Now many guys understand the importance of seduction, but they
don't know where to start. In fact they've probably found that
it can be quite difficult to transition from a date to "getting
it on" with a woman.

If you're one of these guys, then I don't have to tell you that
it's frustrating to like a woman but have no clue about how to
seduce her.

But allow me to let you in on a little secret...


While they pretend to be seduced, they actually probably have as
much desire for sex as any man. However they're fairly selective
about the manner of their sexual encounters.

For instance, women don't like to make the first move. Instead
they want to be pursued and desired by men. In essence this means
you have to have the courage and forwardness to become a seducer
of women.

Even if a woman is really into you, sex won't happen unless you
make the first move. That means if she's into you, there'll be
little resistance to your seduction techniques.

Now you might be one of those guys who is nervous about making
the first move.

If that's the case, then you can use the following technique
for progressing from a date to having sex...

It's called 'MAKING A initiation'

A initiation is any point where you can ESCALATE and interaction
with a woman.

An example would be when you're talking to a woman and you start
kissing her.

It's important to know why initiations work.  In other words,
you have notice those SPECIFIC moments where an OBSTACLE is
preventing you from taking any further action. By spotting
these roadblocks, you easily overcome them!

And once this happens, you'll rapidly increase your success
with women.

To go from meeting a woman to having sex, you need to make a plan
for EVERY escalation point and what you need to do to get to the
next step.

By knowing how to navigate through this process, you'll discover
it's pretty easy to seduce many different women!

My advice for planning out your transitions is to write down
all the times where you encounter a roadblock or stopping point.
Then make a plan for overcoming it!

So think of this moment and how you'll handle it!

Some examples could include getting a woman's number, setting
up a date, initiating physical contact, kissing her and then
finally seducing her.

Once you know what you're going to do, put it to memory!

By planning out your transitions, you'll be able to rapidly
seduce her with confidence and ease.

Understanding how to succeed with women is something you CAN learn!

If you understand these transition techniques, you'll be able
to QUICKLY and EFFORTLESSLY seduce any woman you meet.

Seduction isn't a hard skill!  If you're in a conversation
with a woman and she's attracted to you, then it isn't hard
to get her into the bedroom.

You just have to know how to handle the next step!

openers for all situations

I'd like to tell you a story...

I want to share a story with you all that I thought was

Friday night, I was out with a friend of mine clubbing. As we
were walking from one club to another, we saw two women walking
together in front of us.

These women were HOT!

So hot, in fact, that every guy they passed by on the sidewalk
tried to talk to them. How did they try this? By saying things

"Hey, where you going?"

"Damn, you fine!"

"Hey, come back here, baby!"

Needless to say, these girls were completely ignoring each and
every guy who talked to them.

It's a harsh reality that most girls who are as hot as these two
were get approached by men ALL THE TIME, and have heard every
stupid line in the book. In fact, they get approached so much,
that they don't even respond anymore. They're just focused on
getting to where they're going.

So of course, upon seeing this, I thought to myself "How would
I approach these girls?"

The answer was pretty self-evident. In fact, it was staring
me right in the face!

The situation was dictating what I should say to them.

"Oh my god! Every single guy is trying to pick you guys up! How
annoying is that? You guys need to hire BODYGUARDS just to keep
all these horny waldos away!"

This is an example of a SITUATIONAL OPENER.

Situational Openers can be the best way to meet a woman if
they are done right. This is because this type of Opener is
UNIQUE to the interaction you are having with the woman.

Not only that, but it shows you guys have a common
understanding of the reality you are mutually experiencing.
And that, my friends, creates a connection between the two
of you.

It's like knowing the punch line to a joke most others have no
clue about.

And more importantly, this is one of my most favorite kind of
situational opener, namely, the "Crash and Burn" opener.

This is a situational opener where you capitalize on other
men's failures, while conveying the illusion that you are
different from the other guys and are not looking to get into
the woman's pants (even though the truth may be VASTLY
different from that which you are conveying).

For example, anytime you are in a situation where there are
women you want to approach, and you see a guy go up to them
and try to hit on them, this gives you the chance to use the
"Crash and Burn" opener.

Simply walk up to the girl, and comment on what the other
guy did wrong.

Saying things like:

"So, how'd he do?"


"Did it hurt? He was hitting on you pretty hard. Did it

Or anything along those lines will open up your target for
conversation. These types of "Crash and Burn" openers work
great in high stimulus environments where girls are being
hit on (like malls and clubs, for example).

So next time you see some poor schmoe strike out, be sure
to take the opportunity to capitalize on it!

You can find out more about the "Crash and Burn" Opener,
along with other Situational Openers in my ebook, "The Art
of Approaching: How to meet ANY Woman, ANY Time, ANY Where
you may be."

5 easy steps to seduce any girl

Seduction can be a confusing concept for many guys. Because this
is a topic covered by MANY sites, there is almost TOO much
information out there.

What's the end result? Well, with the large amount of "seduction
material", the average guy can learn a lot about various "pick up

But in all likelihood, he'll fail to understand the PHILOSOPHY
behind each technique.

Frankly, I think the ENTIRE process of seduction can be boiled
down to a few easy steps. If you understand the philosophy behind
each step, then you'll do better then 99% of the other guys who
only look for "quick-fix" solutions.

So here is  formula for how seduction works:

1- Mental Game

The most "seductive" men are the guys who overcome the PROBLEMS
with their confidence AND self limiting beliefs. What these guys
understand is the importance of having the right mindset before
approaching women.

I think that most men fail to realize the importance of their
mind when it comes to meeting women. In order to be seductive to
women, you must ensure you're displaying an attractive
personality at ALL times!

2- Approaching Women

Approaching women isn't about using some cheesy pick up line!

It's about displaying a high status personality while attracting
her interest. That's why it's important to use a neutral opener
that doesn't indicate your interest.

Most women want guys who are high status. By NOT displaying signs
of interest on your approach, you'll attract her attention
without triggering her natural inclination to be wary of new guys
talking to her. And this helps to reinforce a confident, yet
mysterious persona.

3- Make Her Attracted

You CAN'T have seduction she's attracted to you first. And this
attraction is established within the first few minutes of meeting
a guy.

As I stated before, a big mistake you could make is to
demonstrate YOUR attraction to a woman before she displays hers.

Once you approach a woman, you need to focus on creating
attraction. There are many routines and techniques you can use to
make this happen. In fact, MOST of the content you'll find on
"seduction websites" focuses on creating that spark of attraction.

For now, all you need to know is the importance of creating

4- Show your attraction

In order for a woman to become emotionally invested in a guy, she
must know that you like her for who SHE IS instead of her

As a woman becomes attracted to you, she'll demonstrate specific
'Indicators of Interest'.  Once you detect these flirting signals,
you should "push and pull" the interaction. Basically these are
routines where you subtly get a woman to sell herself.

And if she gives you the responses that YOU look for, you can
demonstrate your own signs of attraction.

Basically the idea of giving (then taking way) your attraction is
to create sexual tension. This is what flirting is all about. One
minute you're showing signs of interest, the next you're pushing
her away and teasing her in a funny manner.

5- The Seduction

While this is the last step listed, seduction is something that
should be happen from the moment you meet a woman. From the
moment you first speak to her, you must be communicating a
sexually confident aura.

Seduction is about recognizing her attraction signals and
responding with the appropriate response. And during the later
stages of interaction, seduction is about knowing how to
physically escalate, kiss her and THEN progress towards "closing
the deal".

In addition, it's also about being the guy who is confident
enough the control each level of progression.  This is the essence
of the DOMINANT male!

So there you have it! The ENTIRE process of seduction summarized
into a few steps.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

body language basics for impressing girls

Body language is VERY important. According to studies carried out
over 50% of your communication comes from your body language -
what you DON'T say and less then 8% of your communication comes
from what you DO say.

What does this mean to you?

It is MORE important to pay careful attention to HOW you say
things, and HOW you stand and HOW you act than it is to what
you say (at least initially).

You see, you could have the best game in the world and be able
to really get any woman to like you loads, for example online,
but if you used those same successful techniques in the real
world and lacked obvious confidence, lacked eye contact etc -
You would simply crash and burn.

Honestly, body language is most important in attracting women.

Body language basics:

1. Smile

You have to make the female feel at ease and comfortable that
you are a friendly and fun guy and you are not a psycho as quick
as possible. Especially when talking to her for the first time.

You also need to let her know that you are confident and
comfortable around women. A big and genuine smile is the best
way to do this. It works. In fact, if you ever get an Ice Queen
that you can tell is about to give you the "dead eye", give her
a big smile.

Practice smiling at random people. You'll be surprised by how
many people smile back and at how many doors open to you. Smiling
WORKS. Just don't make it a cheesy, fake smile ;)

2. Eye contact

As you know there's nothing worse than staring at a woman's chest
- or even looking. It makes you just like all the other guys
who drool over her. If anything you should use all your skill to
not look at her chest - she'll wonder why her womanly powers
don't work with you and she'll seek your attention and
subconsciously try to get you to look!

When talking to her, try to maintain eye contact. Not too much
because it can be intimidating, but if you aim to have eye contact
with her around 70% of the time you are talking, this should be
comfortable for most women.

Don't stare like a crazy man, just be natural but if you naturally
look away or are slightly shy when it comes to eye contact, make
a conscious effort to have a little more. Eye contact can make
serious connections within people. They say the eyes are a window
to the soul and I think there may be some truth to that.

There are even speed dating type events being run that involve
just staring into each others eyes - and from what I hear, they
are pretty successful.

Maintain eye contact. Not too much, about 70% of conversation
time. Be natural.

3. Upright posture

Guys can get away with a bit of a hunch, but women really do
prefer men with straight, upright postures. Look at all the big
film actors like john,hritik etc. They all have good posture.

It says to a woman you are confident, healthy, and strong (at
least in mind). It's just generally more attractive and says
lots about who you are. Plus it's good for your back and will
help strengthen your back muscles making it easier to maintain.

Get into the HABIT of having an upright posture.

what to say on first phone call

Today I want to discuss "phone game." Specifically we're going
to cover what to say on your first phone call.

As you probably know, a girl's opinion is largely based on the
feelings she experiences during your first phone conversation.

Most guys fail in this area, because they simply "wing it"
instead of forming a plan of action.

Whenever calling a girl there were a NUMBER of things you should
do. For instance, you should do the following in EVERY phone

1) Have a "call back humor" joke:

Before you get a number, it's important to have some sort of
connection or private joke. It could be a nickname you give her.

Or if you met her online, you could refer to something about her
profile that you busted her on.

The point is using call back humor will immediately establish
that connection you formed when you first got her number. It
doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a something that shows
points out the connection the two of you have.

2) Have a few questions about her

It's important to establish a connection with any conversation
you have with a woman. Before calling her, jot down a few
questions that you geniunely want to know about her.

Ask about her:

* Hobbies and life outside work
* Dreams and aspirations
* Favorite places to travel
* Music, movies, and books she likes

Now you'll find that many so-called "seduction gurus" tell you to
ignore any rapport seeking questions before you know she's into
you. And they'll also probably recommend never asking anything
that makes you seem like you're trying to seek her approval.

But I honestly believe that it's necessary to ask questions like
this. Honestly, it's important for creating attraction. However
it's equally important to make her feel that sense of connection
where you truly get her.

So I recommend you ask questions about her. But you also want to
challenge her at the same time. Ask her why she likes the things
she does. Tease her a little. Create some banter between the two
of you.

3) Have stories to tell

Stories should be the backbone of ANY attraction building
conversation. Frankly one of the biggest mistake I've made in
the past was having nothing to talk about.

Before picking up the phone, you should jot down a few notes
about some of the interesting things you've done during the week.
Also if you have a story from your past that you know women love,
NOW is the time you should tell it!

Any story you tell should put you in the best possible light. It
should subtly demonstrate that you're a fun, high status guy who
has a lot going on in your life. And if this isn't the truth,
then it's time to get out there and do something!

4) Have a date idea

NEVER, ever pick up the phone without having a few fun activities
planned. It can be something you're doing with your friends. Or
it can be something as simple as a trip to the mall.

The point is you want a specific activity that you're doing
during the week. And then as the conversation comes to the
conclusion, you should invite her to come join you.

Typically this is known as a date. However I'm a firm believer
in not using that word OR making it sound like a big deal. Let
her know that you want to see her again. But you're also NOT
structuring your entire life around seeing her. If she agrees,
she agrees. If she doesn't...Oh well. Next.

Bottom line is a phone call should be a fun experience. Use it
to establish a connection, create attraction, and showcase your
unique personality. Don't make the mistake of being boring

Instead be a exciting, engaging guy that she'll want to
immedietely see in person.

15 signals to know does she likes you

1: She adjusts her clothing or her hair when you are around.

2: She points her breasts in your direction and thrusts them out
when talking to you.

3: She laughs at your jokes... even if they are somewhat unfunny.

4: She gets visibly jealous when you talk about other women.

5: She bends over backwards to satisfy your requests.

6: She asks other people (your friends) about you.

7: She dresses up when she sees you.

8: She asks you if you have got a girlfriend... or your love life
in general.

9: She asks you out.

10: She approaches you first.

11: She texts you out of sudden, and making up trivial topics over

12: She gives you her phone number when you only asked her for
somethning else.

13: She flirts with you and pretends to be annoyed when you tease

14: She maintains eye contact with you and doesn't look away, or
over your shoulder.

15: She appears nervous when you touch her... but she doesn't move