
Friday, September 25, 2009

Talking and Voice Tactics with Girls

Finding the right words to say to women
continues to be the hardest thing for men
to overcome. Comedians often say, "It's
not what you say, but how you say it" and
they are completely right.

A single word response such as "What?" can
be interpreted dozens of ways depending on
the characteristics of the voice.

It could be angry, surprised, uninterested
or curious. Say, "what" in using each of
these emotions and note the difference in
your voice.

If you want to successfully flirt with
women stop thinking about the right words
and start to deliver your words in a
confident and irresistible manner.

Below are some things you should take into
consideration when flirting with women.


Women often say that deep voices are
extremely sexy. Deep voices are sexy
because they represent a cool, fearless,
in control personality.

A deep masculine voice is universally more
sexy to women and helps distinguish
your voice from all others. This sort of
voice becomes very important in isolated
and private settings when you're together
with women. How to deepen your voice:

1. Place your hand on your chest
2. Say a few words and note the feeling on
your hand
3. Stop talking and begin to hum
4. Lower the tone to increase the bass in
your voice.
5. Note the feeling on your hand
6. Continue to hum and turn the sound into
7. Admire your new, confident, attractive

You don't need to have an extremely deep
voice but it should be deep enough to
communicate that you're comfortable in the
presence of women. If you notice when you
talk to women your voice becomes squeaky
from nervousness use this technique to
compose your voice.


Part of a confident voice is the volume
you project. Confident men flirt with
loud, strong and clear voices.

Unconfident men speak with soft, weak and
muffled voices that project fear and low
self-esteem. If you want to get the
attention of women start speaking with a
louder voice.

If women intimidate you, chances are your
voice is very soft. Boost your voice to a
volume that seems too loud and you'll
speak at a comfortable volume. Because
you're not use to speaking at this volume
it will seem very loud; don't worry,
practice makes perfect.


Public speaking is a great fear for most
people. When somebody stands up to speak
you can tell exactly how confident they
are just by the speed of their voice. When
we talk to our friends we speak in a cool
calm voice and at a reasonably slow pace.

If you hear a terrified person make a
speech against their will, you'll hear the
fear in their voice. Unconfident people
speak at an unnaturally fast pace to "get
it over and done with."

They are so uncomfortable at public
speaking that they rattle off their speech
so fast most people have trouble getting
the main points. Just by listening to the
pace of your voice women can determine if
you're nervous.

Bonus Tip: If you're nervous around women
speak at half the speed you think you
should be talking and you'll most likely
be talking at a natural pace.


Comedians are funny because they deliver
their jokes with great timing.

Learn to add emphasis, pauses, pace
changes and fluctuating vocal tone. If you
want to know exactly how to talk to women
study some of the most confident public
speakers and coaches of our time. Listen
how leaders and seminar speakers keep
people interested by using their voice as
an instrument. Watch some TV and take

Here's what this all comes down to: A lot
of men say they know what makes a
confident voice and how to project one but
when it comes time to approach women and
use this confident voice, they freeze up.

Just knowing something doesn't make you an
expert; you must put what you know into
practice. Take action.


As you already know, the biggest reason
guys get nervous and don't even approach
women is because they don't know what
they're going to say.

That's why planning is important. And no.
I don't mean memorize a script!

I mean make sure you know what you're
going to say first, where you want the
conversation to go and make sure you take
control to achieve this result.

There's nothing worse than walking up to a
woman only to make a complete fool out of
yourself because you didn't know what to

And awkward silences won't win over the
woman you want.

So here's what to do:

1. Grab a sheet of paper

2. Write down all possible lines to start

3. Write down all the possible things you
can do during your talks

4. Write down exactly how you're going to
ask for her number.

Hey, we should catch up again soon.Great!
What's your number?

Now here's the best part... If you know
exactly what to say your voice volume,
smoothness, speed and tone all come across

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